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Recent Trading Strategy Reviews

On this page, you can read both positive and negative reviews posted by real subscribers to strategies.

Regardless of whether a review is positive, you must remember that there is a substantial risk of loss in futures and forex trading, and also that there is a substantial risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, and equities.

Remember: past performance does not indicate future performance.
Reviewed on

Carnelian Strategy


System simply buys qqq shares at market close and sells following day usually early on so exposed to overnight moves whether good or bad.
2024 system returns matched qqq's once penny stock profits were excluded.
System does not go short so might suffer in a down year so I'm out

ares NQ


I was only with it for a month and it breakeven at best so I have to give it 3 stars for lack luster performance. However I think over a longer period of time it should improve and I base that on its other strategy Ares which has been around for a number of years.
Strategy also sends out notifications for pending trades and always stop losses attached.

MT3 Algotrading


Live traded since September 2023, watching trades closely most days. Over the past month especially, I've seen this strat maximize green market days, while at the same time (rare in most strats here) managing and minimize bloody market days (mostly be shorting MNQ and MES futures when the market heads south quickly), which is a huge differentiator here on C2. Also a really good handle on managing stop losses and drawdowns. Also, they say they're running Multicharts against IB for trade execution which is a solid and reliable setup (once you learn the idiosyncrasies of both) I use personally.

An observation is that this strat has a losing record shorting stocks. I did that analysis prior to subscribing and has held true since then. Fortunately (so far) this has not impacted my return as I am running this strat in an IRA account. As I can't make margin trades, I also can't short stocks (obviously shorting futures is allowed), so it works out great, as short stock trade signals just get rejected by my broker (IB).

Alpha Capital


Only 3 months in, so far so good, Dec took everyone down, ready for a Trump rally!



Working system

Leveraged ETF Trading


I do not receive the messages from the Strategy maker by email. I have request several times this to be solved and nobody helps me.

RC 105 ForEx


Good initially but need more positive trades. there are open trades with -30K in paper loss for 60 K account.
Need more concrete plan to make positive impact. The fees are pretty high for the profit being made.
Appreciate if we recover the paper loss and make good gains else does not make sense to continue with the plan

ares P2


Tight stops and low drawdowns. Author is very responsive to questions



This trader has no control over position sizing and goes in with a huge position size causing huge losses. Don't recommend this strategy at all.

Index Futures Trading


Total garbage. Classic Ponzi scheme. Crash and Burn. This trader has history of blowing up strategies. Lacks basic principles to lock in profits and keep losses small. He’s just here for the subscriber fees. Stay away!

Carnelian Strategy





Thank you for your great work. May the gods preserve you.



Profitable but not consistent



Very disciplined strategy. Very responsive strategy manager.

Tal Ben Avraham


i did not use this strategy

Bonds Futures


WARNING !! Martingale Strategy !! No risk management at all !!



this looked like a good strategy, but i am not able to trade FX at IBKR. i will try to set up an account with stonex and try again after the new year. thanks

Bluewave RXMC


Today saw an additional 8% decline, compounding the 12% loss reported yesterday by another investor. This performance is deeply disappointing. Despite the strategy initially showing promise and adhering to a disciplined approach, its recent underperformance is concerning. The trading decisions appear to lack consistency and are often driven by speculative assumptions, resulting in frequent whipsaws due to minor market fluctuations. Not recommended!

Bluewave RXMC


-12% down in 30 days, most of the losses due getting chopped because initial trade dont workout, when reach stoploss (pullback point) instead close or hold, invert position and then goes against too, so in same day lose in both ways (Up and Down), quite confusing, but system have a very profit this years, so more even confusing... Very Expensive system for all of this

Index Futures Trading


Even having HUGE draw-downs, is the best strategy till now (1 year auto-trading), but definitely hard to see the big drops. Manager send daily updates, which makes an easy way to carry on

Leveraged ETF Trading


I can't recommend this...did well in a bull market. But didn't follow his plan and got two wash sales...

RC 104 Futures EMinis


This is the worst company. They have been charging money for months but have never executed any trades in months. Their performance is also downright worst.



So far so good! Does not over trade, and uses tight stops.

RC 104 Futures EMinis


Horrible! Everyone has lost money using their service



Kev has been excellent in his trading and I could not be happier. Would definitely recommend as my account is up more than 300% in only 2 weeks.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Trader doesn't like to hold onto profits. Trade will be up 16%; then in seconds you will see the gains disappear overnight.



It is not an autotrader.



Awesome gains



Very solid strategy.
One of the best, if not the best in risk/reward.
Very responsive manager.

The Rosa Negra


I have subscribed for 2 months and there have been no trades and no news from the author.



One of the best strategy. Love the way it keeps losses small and wing big



Holds and Buys positions for months, No Active trading. This strategy is expensive for the activity happens in it.



Long term this strategy seems to do ok, although imho they do not trade often enough. I have seem the holdings go up in value, no action, then drop significantly loosing the profit, yet to repeat the rise, no sale and drop again. Long term they do extract some value but it could be better.



Consistent strategy



Not worth for the money charged monthly. Buys ETF's and holds them for weeks/months until they go up. We can do ourselves same thing.



Very disciplined and consistent system. Excellent results and good control of risk. Noteworthy, the manager offers a prompt support to the investor.



been with this for around 20 months ... getting a bit of slippage with the # of subscribers ... but still very profitable.



So far so good, at least this strategy didn't star loosing money when you subscribed like most of the other.

Leveraged ETF Trading


The system manager sends long emails explaining the technical which may be a good thing except its rarely ever useful. The main point of following ( and paying for) a strategy is to make money ( or loose less than the market does ). IN my experience of last 12 monhts or so - this strategy has failed in doing so. He also is not very good in responding to questions. Overall i will give it 2 stars.

Leveraged ETF Trading


You'll see this strategy has pretty impressive track record in the long term, but I started autotrading 6 months ago, and I'm only up 5%. Guy doesn't know when to take profits, he relies too much on his rules based system. Will sell TQQQ at 65 the end of one day, only to buy at 70 the next day. This screws us on wash sales and taxes. Shame on me for not selling myself when we were up 30%, but then again the whole point of this site is to not have to trade ourselves! Shame on me, I know no returns are guaranteed, but I'm really disappointed with the results.

Bluewave RXMC


A very disciplined trader, trades 1 ES contract with a stop loss of about $1000. Amazing results so far!

Income Trades


Excellent communication. Many developers are horrible at communicating but this one is excellent and has a good feel for the market



Great system. Trust the system.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Not sure where to begin with this. I guess the good is that I did make a little money with this strategy. Now the bad. It has been said that he is a good communicator. I would say that he is a frequent communicator but you can only believe about half of what he says. The strategy makes great money in ascending markets because of the triple leverage he often employs. However, he does not use stops and there is nothing more frustrating than seeing good profits vanish and turn negative when the markets head south. I started turning off auto trade when I was sitting on a good profit but this defeats the whole purpose of C2 does it not? I no longer want to sit at my desk and monitor the markets. There is too much golf to play! Having said all of this I would advise those interested in this strategy to take a look at the "strategy activity details" of Mr. BlackBoulderTrading. They are very telling. It appears as if he got lucky with this particular strategy for the time being, unlike many of the other strategies that he has "killed." This guy seems to be nice but I am not sold on this strategy. My inexperienced daughter with no knowledge of the stock market could make money in a bull market. Due diligence.....



Good control of risk and very disciplined use of capital. I consider this system to be both reliable and affordable.



Good strategy, just went through a turbulent market period with it.

Leveraged ETF Trading


I have been following this strategy for almost a year. Luckely I made some profit by the end of 2023, But 2024 so far (Jan-July) is not convincing at all. As long as the markets were climbing slowly the strategy made profits, but all the profits made in the last few weeks/months got lost again within a few days, when the markets turned around. It's a mess. Last year the trader wrote to the subscribers that the strategy would make tons of money in 2024 when markets are bearish, but so far the strategy still went long when the markets were falling in April and July. While other strategies quickly went short and made money. So for me in 2024 this strategy was a waste of time and money.
I gave two stars, because I made some money last year, but otherwise I couldn't recommend it to anyone else.

Leveraged ETF Trading


I have to look at the overall trend of this system and not the current trade. Started in January this year and LET has made me good money so I can't complain. It's never fun to have a trade well in the money then deep in a hole but I'm sticking with it. The daily briefings are informative and times like today reassuring. Sticking with it.



Started having tons of losses going down about 50 percent and then raises price 10 times the amount. Not worth anything.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Total joke of a trader. Needs to learn stop losses and when to take profits with trail stop. Has created a system to sucker in fees and promise subscribers millons of profits but recently has disclaimer that trading risky and nothing guaranteed. All he does is baghold trades long so occasionally in profits, but then he loses those profits and goes into major negative. Total fraud trader has sucked in majority of c2 subscribers with this pyramid scheme. Beware has no real skills to protect gains or limit losses.

NQ Quickie


Goes private and has not executed one successful trade since. What is going on??????

Leveraged ETF Trading


Worth a try.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Perfect I like it a lot, better than expected, ike the messages sent to subscribers telling the logic behind the actions taken , so far so good, great decision to get in with this strategy

Leveraged ETF Trading


Good overall strategy withconsistent returns so far. Could be existing losing trades a little bit earlier and staying in winning trades a bit longer would be my only suggestion for improvement. I would recommend to anyone looking for a consistent winning strategy.

MT3 Algotrading


I quite liked this system - mainly because of the tight control of drawdowns by letting the winners run and cutting losses short. So when the market explodes ( in either direction) this system can really profit. I also liked the use of well-capitalised stocks minimising any slippage and bad fills. I didn't like being in the market 24/7, resulting stock churn, and paying the resulting trade and interest fees ( for margin accounts), which drop proportionally the larger the account - but for smaller accounts can impact the net profit. Allow for exposure to at least 12 open stock trades (excluding futures) and watch the T margin if you're using a margin account. Overall one I may come back to with a larger account size.

Tesla S


Horrible, no communication, no clear strategy or stop loss

Index Futures Trading


Strong trader. One of my select top favorites on C2. Think he should stay away from short trade swings and just focus on his long swing strat trades. Performance would be even better if so.

Position trading TQQQ


As advertised.



Reckless trader with extremely poor risk management..blow up all his accounts under Verezya then restarted from scratch with the name investment management and that was a quick blowoff them this SCAM is now operating under the name astuters and he's in the process of making another disaster....Run away!!



Great strategy!

Leveraged ETF Trading


Rough past couple of months but it matched the broader market pull back, seems to be back on track, 4 months in and finally positive.

SP 500 Index Futures


Started out as a very good disciplined system. However, they have thrown out the stop loss and are letting a bad trade take a 30% hit.

MT3 Algotrading


Ich trade das System jetzt 4 Wochen manuell. Return und DD bis jetzt gut bis sehr gut.

C2 Test Strategy 2024


I am not keen on systems which consistently add to open losing positions, as it inevitably leads to massive position sizing as the trade is chased further into loss. Average in by all means, but keep the position sizing constant to allow for fair comparisons and appropriate account management. Far better to wait and get better entries using fixed position sizes, thus avoiding so many trades with open losses.



Very happy with this strategy so far. This trader is the real deal. A very talented trader and communicative about his process. He seems to sincerely care about his subscribers.



Getting good results so far, plan on keeping this for awhile



Very disciplined, always places stoploss and limit closing orders, and always flat at the close (no overnight holds.) I have been with this strategy since January 2023 and am very satisfied.

HIPP Income Strategy


This strategy is a good principal preservation and decent return startegy. I would suggest to any conservative investor.

Right Risk Right Reward


Typical c2 scam strategy fluffs up fake very large lucky gains over short time period but slowly crash and burn becomes apparent due to no stop loss. Anything that looks to good in short term usually is.



Awful strategy has gone down 50% in 1 week.



Not sure what is happening here besides a meltdown.

High Frequency Stocks


lost 100%



Huge drawdown that goes on for many weeks and no response to messages. No stops means this system is doomed.

MNQ Trades


I had high hopes for this system but unfortunately the reason systems traders has so many systems is because the entries and stops on similar trades are completely random so all they care about is if a few systems occasionally win short term but eventually due to stats and trade randomness the systems all do poorly over time. Biggest c2 scam ever if trader has multiple systems beware! Stay far away!

ES NQ Day Trades


This trade system is ridiculous it tries to chase directions and typically gets stopped out both ways



This strategy statistically is terrible. They get a couple big lucky wins, but then eventually due to stats and overtrading they lose everything. I don’t know why everyone thinks this trader is amazing. They are not.



Ben is a good trader especially when it comes to preservation of capital. The equity curve could be very volatile since he is daytrading futures exclusively. So the best way to subscribe is to step back, have some faith, let him do all the hard work, and collect the $$ at the end of the year.

Leveraged ETF Trading


If you like seeing all your money blow up and averaging down at the top in a downtrend this is definitely for you. It’s too bad all the people who joined didn’t join for the ride up in a rare bullish year, just the ride down. Get out now before you lose everything you’ll just keep averaging down losers, and he’s convinced the market will always go up. Stop losses are too wide and eventually he’ll lose everything. Stay away!

Found It


This guy has to be the worst trader and communicator of all time. I can't believe that i did not see the early signs and stayed with him. Has costed us over 15 k in loss and does not curtesy to even send a message. Lesson learned - never ever trade a system that is not TOS.

High Frequency Algo



Found It


"Found It" had a great run for a while, but starting around mid-January, increased leverage a lot. I experienced multiple margin limits and therefore autotrading results were much worse than the model results. Future subscribers will need considerably more than the recommended balance to match the model results. Also, Found It started using NQ contracts rather than MNQ, so scaling doesn't work. I recommend avoiding Found It unless it returns to the small contracts and lower leverage.

RC 104 Futures EMinis


There is no communication method to reach the owner. They have failed in their investment strategy. Worthless. Please stay off of any of their strategies.
They boast but dont substantiate proof. There is no communication channel to reach them

Leveraged ETF Trading


Working out well from the last 2 months

Found It



If you're looking for a strategy to ruin your account look no further. Probably the worst strategy leader i've followed in my two years on this site. He has zero communication skills so if you want to ask him something you may hear something 2 months later. As far as trading goes, he has zero discipline. He will go long and short in a span of 30 seconds but this will repeat for 10+ trades in 5 mins. Some of the months that are positive aren't accurate for a typical sub. He'll start with maybe 5-1-0 contracts but if he's down he can add up to 40 in one trade just to make up his losses. If you are able to trade 40+ MNQ contracts then great but if not you will have heavy losses. He revenge trades like crazy just to keep his positive reputation going but after the last few weeks people are seeing the real trading which is terrible. He doesn't know what he'd doing and trying to make a quick buck on subs. STAY AWAY.

MT3 Algotrading


C2Star Certified Trades at 1:300 Leveraged Auto Real Live

Leveraged ETF Trading


Result driven, deliver on the strategy, I love the daily notes to explain what is going on

Leveraged ETF Trading


The Strategy manager needs to limit/manage the size of drawdowns. The drawdown was too large for me. A tight stop would minimize the loss (if the market would have continued down.) Preservation of capital is critical on every trade not a convenience. Luckily this time there was a market bounce ( this time. )

Leveraged ETF Trading


Probably the best swing system that I have subscribed to. Very informative updates nightly. As with all systems, one needs patience.



After Markets Drops/ Ups
Still is not able to get the "System" working "
Yet with the Huge Market Rally , Still not able
to make money
Great about sending updates , but besides that
Nothing else worked ..

Leveraged ETF Trading


I have criteria that I always set...BoulderTrading checks every box! He's next level!

ES NQ Day Trades


Nice strategy

Leveraged ETF Trading


Probably a good trade leader after all, but too agonizing to watch this current drawdown, so I bailed. Should stop making those forward looking statements altogether. Good luck!

Index Futures Trading


Huge drawdowns. Got lucky in January when large drawdown reversed but now the bagholding in February doesn’t seem to be working. Dangerous strategy as high excursion ratio risk vs profit.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Lost thousands daily. Would not recommend this strategy. Be careful and use only a small amount of cash if you decide to subscribe.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Leveraged ETF Trading and Black Boulder Traading's track record speak for themselves. While I'm a bit frustrated that he didnt take profits when we were up 5% on the month afer the first week of February and now we are down 4% for February I'm confident in his strategy for the long run. Rather than selling you smoke and mirrors and swinging for the fences, he lives by the goal of 6% monthly gains, which he has averaged over the strategy life despite this down month. His communication with subscribers is top notch, as he sends out a nice summary/outlook after each trading day and responds to private messages promptly.

RC 104 Futures EMinis


My experience with Collective2 Strategy Manager Kishore Ramaraju was a rollercoaster of disappointment. From the start, they failed to provide consistent updates, leaving me in the dark about the status of my investments. This lack of communication was frustrating, to say the least.

To make matters worse, I ended up making a significant loss. Despite their promises of success, the strategy manager fell short, and I paid the price for trusting them with my money.

They also collected money through Telegram, which raised serious doubts about their professionalism and integrity. And let's not forget their misleading tactics of posting cherry-picked screenshots to lure unsuspecting investors.

In conclusion, it was a costly lesson for me. Their failure to provide updates, coupled with substantial losses and questionable practices, makes them a risky bet for anyone considering investing. Save yourself the headache and look elsewhere for more reliable investment opportunities.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Since I agree with all the other reviews I decided that I would ask Chat GPT to write pop ballad based on those prior reviews:

(Verse 1)
In the world of stocks and trades,
Where fortunes rise and fall like waves,
Found a strategy, it lights the way,
Ticks all the boxes, every single day.

No options, no futures, just stocks in sight,
Leveraged and strong, in the market's light,
No big peaks in leverage, keepin' it right,
Consistency is key, in the day and night.

Performin' as they said it would,
A great trader, nimble and good,
Risk management, understood,
Totally pleased, in this neighborhood.

(Verse 2)
Incredible track record, responsive to all,
Daily analysis, never lettin' us fall,
Auto trade for years, answerin' the call,
Leveraged ETF, standin' tall.

Communicatin' regular, honesty in view,
Love the manager's heart, pure and true,
Picks makin' money, in skies of blue,
One of the best, this trader's due.

Performin' as they said it would,
A great trader, nimble and good,
Risk management, understood,
Totally pleased, in this neighborhood.

In a world of fakes and lies,
This trader shines, like stars in the skies,
Understanding trends, where success lies,
Leveraged ETF, the ultimate prize.

Performin' as they said it would,
A great trader, nimble and good,
Risk management, understood,
Totally pleased, in this neighborhood.

So here's to the strategy, long may it thrive,
In the world of trading, where dreams arrive,
Leveraged and strong, it continues to strive,
In the hearts of traders, it'll forever survive.

Leveraged ETF Trading


Great strategy

Leveraged ETF Trading


Ticks all the boxes for me:
- regular and honest communication with subscribers (love this)
- trades (leveraged) stocks, not options or futures
- not a Martingale / scalper (no weirdly smooth returns, realistic ratio of winning / losing trades, maximum adverse excursion is reasonable)
- no big peaks in leverage (consistently at or below 3x throughout strategy lifetime)
- trades his own capital
My personal philosophy about C2 strategies is: "it works, until it doesn't". Right now, this strategy works. Here's hoping it *keeps* working for a long time!

Leveraged ETF Trading


Performing as reviews indicated.

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